Do you know the Plug-ins of DM800? Then let me tell you. Black screen plug-in is a very simple but very useful little plug-in, and its capacity is only 3.1 KB. When users use DM800, plasma TV or listen to television audio broadcasts, in order to prevent plasma TV screen still playing for a long time to bring blur, we can use the plug to make the TV screen shows a black screen, which can reduce TV power consumption, but also extend the life of the display.
HD is skin system information plug-in for high-definition machines under the skin of the plug-in parameter display. With it all kinds of information can be quickly and easily display memory usage, CPU usage, and hard disk remaining capacity, hard disk operating temperature, the system process and other system operating parameters.
When you install it, the plug-in will determine your kernel version of IMG automatically. Please note that we cannot install the plug-in if we adopt the Gemini-stone2 standard definition of a modern skin. In addition, when you enable the plug-in from the browser plug-ins, plug the HD skin system information needed to run the information gathering system, so delay the system information screen for a few seconds.
Blue Mirror (GBP, GlassBluePanel) plug-in like a mirror that lights up is playing down the channel frequency, symbol rate, polarization, SNR, AGC, BER, and video and audio formats, PID, stream, IMG, Enigma version and other parameters.
The plug is actually from the Glass System Utility, which can only be fully visible under the skin in HD, as in the Gemini-stone2 under the skin of a modern SD shows only half frame parameters. In addition, the plug-in will automatically detect the number of working hours operating parameters, if that is not practical, you can remove the interface in the implementation of sspcs-glassbp-by-symnj-1.4 a mipsel script, and then remove the plug.
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